Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Flying J Wireless, Part II

Ok, so now I'm beginning to get pissed off. Right now I'm sitting inside the FJ at Clearbrook VA because last night I tried to connect at a TA listed in the brochure and the Hook at Wytheville, VA and neither would work. A little while ago I pulled into this one and tried to connect but it wouldn't link. I called tech support and after they screwed around for a while their advice was to move to a different place in the parking lot. Last words "Good luck". This, of course, nicely illustrates the problem with outsourcing. The competent engineers are driving trucks and Rajneesh isn't going to be flown from Bangalore to set up FJ's network. Guess I'll have to set up a wardriving rig on my truck.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Flying J's Wireless

It is cool to be able to surf from the road. It would be extra nice if I could afford Sprint's Broadband Wireless deal but for now I'll have to go with Flying J. Sadly the last 2 places I tried to get connected from (Madison GA T/A and Texarkana AR FJ) were having issues and wouldn't connect properly



Saturday, October 15, 2005

Good news

I got my laptop so now I'll be totally religious about updating, ok?